martes, 1 de abril de 2008


TIMING: 55 minutes
Average age of students: 14 - 15 years olds

ANTICIPATE PROBLEMS: The students do not understand the new vocabulary. They might become a little confused with the use of social studies terms. Other problem is how can to make relation the concepts trough the pictures. Identify the main idea and details

SOLUTIONS: Develop brainstorm about mean the new vocabulary. The students are drawing the mean terms and they will workshop together in the cooperative learning
Why study this topic. Because we will use the Geography information. we have learned in Social Studies when the students will decide where to live, choose a job, decide which product to buy . Social Studies is important when they hear the story a person from the past, visit museums, read books and decide who to vote for.

Sense the students about learn Social Studies
Learning Social Studies will help students know how to get along better in your everyday life.
Students will learn to give confidence when they make important choices in your future.